
Scholarship for Developing Country 2009: Grant university Master Grant

This Ghent University programme provides master grants to candidates from developing countries who wish to obtain a master’s degree at Ghent University. The grants are available for all master programmes at Ghent University. They are awarded for the duration of the studies with a maximum of 2 years. In case of a two-year-programme the scholarship will only be paid for the full term if the student successfully completes the first year of the programme.
The scholarship consists of an allowance of 964 euro per month plus the yearly tuition fee.

For more information, you can contact:
Liesbeth Vandepitte
administrative and technical staff
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25
9000 Gent
Phone: 09 264 95 55
Fax: 09 264 35 83
Email: Liesbeth.Vandepitte@UGent.beThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it All documents listed below, are the new documents for 2009-2010.
This is the right way to start your procedure:
Decide what programme you would like to follow (consult the brochure ‘International Masters);take care of your admission, this can take 3 months (consult the admission pdf!);start completing your Application Form (your motivation is very important);when you have received your admission letter, send it together with
your completed Application Form to Liesbeth Vandepitte (1 hard copy, 1
electronic copy

Master call 2009-2010
Master application form 2009-2010
How to fill in the application form 2009-2010
Country list
Brochure International Masters at Ghent University


Scholarship type and duration

The master scholarships are awarded for the duration of the studies,
aiming at the delivery of a Ghent University diploma after max. 2 years
of study. With the scholarship application the applicant must also
submit a letter of admission to the study programme. The scholarship is
in principle paid for the total duration of the studies. In case of a
2-year study programme, the 2nd year will be paid upon successful
completion of the first year (minimum 60 credits).

Eligible Master programmes at Ghent University

Master’s Programmes (master after bachelor)Subsequent Master’s Programmes (master after master)

List of courses taught in English:

Master of Science in AquacultureMaster of Science in Environmental SanitationMaster of Science in Rural Development and NutritionMaster of Science in Food Technology (in cooperation with K.U.Leuven)Master of Science in NematologyMaster of Science in Physical land Resources (in cooperation with the Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

or you can find it on the website:
You can also download the complete brochure:
If applicants wants to follow their master in Dutch, a thorough
knowledge of the Dutch language is required. Ghent University offers
language courses, however these costs are not covered by the Master



1. Degree

Applicants for master’s programmes should already have obtained a
bachelor degree when they submit the application. For subsequent
master’s programmes, applicants should already have obtained a master
degree. No exceptions are allowed.

2. Nationality

The applicants must come from and should be nationals of one of the
developing countries on the country list of developing countries.
Priority, however, will be given to the categories on the DAC List of
Aid Recipients with the lowest levels of development and income.

3. Language and proficiency

The application is to be made in English. The applicant should have a very good command of the English language


Composition of the application file

The applicant is responsible for the application file to be complete
and composed correctly. A complete application file consists of the
following documents:

The official application formOfficial letter of admission to the master’s programme (signed by the Rector of Ghent University)for more information read the document: admission@

GhentUniversityCopies of diplomas (including Transcript of Records)Parallel applicationsOwn enclosures (if relevant)

We accept transcripts of records in English and French. The
application form though, has to be completed in English. TOEFL or IELTS
results are required.

Submission of the application file

Number, formats and form

The applications for master grants for candidates from developing
countries must be submitted typewritten on the forms required for this
purpose. http://www.ugent.be/en/research/developmentcooperationThe application, drawn up on the required forms, should be
delivered to the address below in 1 hard copy and 1 electronic copy.
The submission deadline will be strictly observed. Late, incomplete or
incorrectly drawn-up applications will not be taken into consideration.
If we do receive an electronic version but no hard copy, your
application will not be taken into consideration.Candidates who simultaneously apply for funding elsewhere, must include one copy of this parallel application.The proposals must be drawn up in English.

The DEADLINE for submitting the proposal is 30 April 2009 at 5 p.m.

Is to be delivered to the Ghent University Liesbeth Vandepitte
Research Co-ordination Office New Rectorate Building, 4th floor,
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25,
9000 Gent, Belgium

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